MY TWO CENTS: Geoff's Den of (not yet in) Equity ... Geoff's superb site is not just for film fans -- it's a wonderful demonstration of sights and sounds that any webmaster would be wise to steal\\\ er.... learn from! As an actor, he spotlights indie films -- and you can even check out a couple of sound samples from his performances: even though he says "sound bites" he still has 'em ;) Check out his film and stage credits (mostly from the Toronto area). Soon he'll be posting the screenplay he's working on. The obligatory Links pages concentrate mostly on filmstuff -- but they're all quality choices. Don't complain to him: he's proficient in semi- automatic handguns! All in all you'll enjoy this one, especially if you have the QuickTime plug-in and a midi player to listen to the tasteful background sounds! Obviously sound doesn't bite on this site! Let get the camera rollin'! SEE: A HEAR: A TASTE: A FEEL: B TOUCH: B NEURONS: A
©1996 J. Geoff Malta • FBN graphics & publishing • POB 1596, Toms River, NJ 08754-1596
The opinions expressed herein are my own. I am not responsible for the contents of these sites.