superb site silver

September '96: Name this web page!

MY TWO CENTS: titles are unnecessary here


Adam Felchner's little page is neat. 
And when I say "little" I mean it...

You'll need a JavaScript-capable browser for this baby. 

There's a JavaScript "Ad Libs" game that 
features movie, music and lit quotes. As 
a Godfather fanatic, I enjoyed what came
up after playing. 

There is also a little "Stupid Facts" section that
was fun: "The average person swallows 3 spiders in 
their sleep every year." Yeck! The thought of that
doesn't help us notice the grammar error...

Of course, the obligatory links section is very
useful to learn how to do some of these tricks
yourself. I assume we'll see more pages like
this on the Web in short order. And it will
probably get very old very quickly. But I
haven't seen another one like this yet,
so it's still pretty unique. There's
no name for this page, and Adam is
looking for suggestions. Please
send them to him if you have
any ideas. You won't spend
a lot of time here, but
it's worth a peek...
Let's hope that it
grows and Adam
adds more to
this little
island on
the Web!

SEE: A    HEAR: -    TASTE: B    FEEL: B    TOUCH: B    NEURONS: B


©1993-1996 J. Geoff MaltaFBN graphics & publishing • POB 1596, Toms River, NJ 08754-1596
The opinions expressed herein are my own. I am not responsible for the contents of these sites.